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Are you dating a 'Half Baked Boy?'

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…or are they relationshits?
You decide.
We’re in them, we are out of them, we are convinced “he’s the one!” then the next month we are convinced he’s the son of the devil. Why do relationships so suddenly and so often switch gears and go from hell ya to hell no?
Three words – half-baked boys.
In most cases we, as women are the ones at fault. And yet, I find it all so ironic that we bash, and point the finger at our male counterparts when the romance goes down the drain or ‘he just is not that into you’ we’ve all been there, or at least I have. We are creatures of over-analysing, obsessing and replaying every little detail in our minds. Everything from punctuation in our texts, to tone of voice, to outfits. We self-criticise and drive ourselves bonkers trying to find the answers to the breakdown. When girls blame themselves for guys dropping off the map it’s incredibly sad, it gets into your head and makes you feel like you’ve been kicked off ‘The Bachelor’. Before we dive in, check in, figure out what he’s all about to save us from self-sabotaging down the road.
All I can say is – you took the bread out of the oven before it was fully baked.
Sayyyy what?????????
That’s right. Guys, men, BOYS need time to bake. They need time to develop, grow and figure out who the heck they are. It’s been said women mature faster than guys – in most cases. So stop forcing relationships onto guys who simply aren’t ready to commit. No, they aren’t horrible people or commitment-phobes. They just need a while longer to smash beers with the boys, watch football in stinky clothes for days and figure out their place in this world.
Taking a guy out of that equation and imposing a relationship will only go down like a lead balloon. Have you ever taken bread out of the oven before it’s not completely baked? What happens? It flops. Much like your relationship will if you aren’t partnered with someone who isn’t ready to take on the challenge (and yes – we can be challenging little things!)
Relationships take work, but work doesn’t have to be taxing if you’re with the right person. Having your morals, values and goals line up is the perfect recipe. Find someone who is willing to challenge you, yet support you. Blissful human connection and abundance of love will radiate when this collision happens, and you’ll know it. Relationships take time to nurture, grow and manifest. Don’t rush this. The process will be an enjoyable if your partner in crime is energetically adding value and you’re growing together.
Moral of the story? Don’t settle ladies, know your self-worth and grow your self-love by aiming for what you so truly deserve.
From my heart to yours…

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