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Abundance Mindset (You Can Have It All)

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One of my favorite topics of all time is abundance, so that’s what I’ve been jamming on this week. If you’re in a state of scarcity, or constantly stressing over how you don’t have enough money, food, love, whatever the case may be – this post is for you!
I also did a video on how to adopt an abundance mindset. You can check it out by clicking below.

So here’s the thing…
Abundance is an energy, not a thing or money in the back. Abundance is our truth and how we get to live, and we’re able to attract more of it into our lives if we so choose.
Here are my top tips to help you live your life in abundance…
Look at your story around scarcity.
What is your story around scarcity? Do you have limiting beliefs around lack and limitation? Are you often stuck in the mindset that there’s never enough to go around, or you never get your fair share?
A lot of the stories you may have around scarcity are based on conditioning. Meaning – those stories or beliefs are not even yours. You’ve just taken them on, whether from your parents, your friends, or society as a whole.
Focus on the new narrative/reality that you want to create in your life when it comes to abundance. Ask yourself, “what is the story that will attract abundance into my life?”

Be aware.
Get curious about your beliefs around scarcity and abundance, but don’t judge yourself for being in a state of scarcity. Instead, reflect on why you feel the way you do. Why do you think that way? Where did you pick up those beliefs?
And then figure out how you’d like to show up in this area of your life. From there, you get to move into creation mode. What is the reality that you want to create? And what is the belief that will allow you to be in alignment with that reality?
Scarcity percolates into every area of your life.
Seriously, scarcity shows up everywhere, and you probably don’t even realize it. So here’s what I want you to do: burn the boats of your scarcity mindset in all areas of your life.
Adopting an abundance mindset with money means you also have to do it with food, relationships, and every other facet of your life. Really work to remove all the sticky energy in your day to day life that is related to scarcity. You must have a constant flow of trusting that there’s more where that came from. We’re not talking excess here, but just the perfect amount – exactly how much you need to thrive.
As you work on adopting an abundance mindset, here’s one of my favorite ninja strategies that you can use…

A daily mantra of: “Abundance is my birthright.”
I use this mantra every single day. When I’m in this mindset and energy, then I don’t need to hustle or prove myself. I just get to feel into abundance and connect with that feeling on a visceral level.
Go on and try it, then comment below and let me know: how does abundance feel in your body?

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