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Why It’s Important to Connect to Your Inner Child

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This week I released a Connect with Your Inner Child Guided Meditation over on my YouTube channel.
For me personally, connecting to my inner child was one of the biggest things in my life that truly changed my relationship to myself. It’s one of the key factors that helped me heal my relationship to my body and food.  I hear the same thing from so many of my clients.
So why is connecting with your inner child so important?
I could probably make an endless list of reasons to answer that, but here are my top three:
#1: You will deepen your level of self-discovery and personal growth.
A lot of us don’t know that the inner child exists, let alone that we have access to it. When you begin to do inner child work, it’s like you open a door to a whole new world that you didn’t know existed. There are so many different facets to explore – so many different things to learn – about yourself as an evolved woman, and your inner child. And there are endless ways to make that connection thrive.
#2: It’s like giving yourself permission to play.
When you connect with your inner child, you realize that that playful, carefree part of yourself never went away. She’s been with you all along. Sadly, as we grow older, many of us spend a majority of our time hustling and checking various responsibilities off of our To Do Lists day in and day out. We make very little time for genuine fun, play, or expression. But those are things that we always want. They are almost like foundational spiritual needs when it comes to being truly happy and fulfilled.
#3: It’s a way to heal parent wounding.
Many of us get to a place, as adults ourselves, when we realize that our parents were doing the best they could when they raised us. But that doesn’t just erase any pain, trauma, or wounding that they may have inflicted on us when we were children. That type of wounding can fester over time and even hold us prisoner to our unhappiness as full grown adults.
When you begin to develop a relationship with your inner child, you will discover her wounding, and you–as an evolved woman–will be able to heal it and nurture her. This in turn will help you heal your own parent wounding that affects you to this day.
Connecting with your inner child is an amazing way to work on yourself at a deeper level. It’s also a pathway to further spiritual and personal exploration and development. When you’re more aligned with your inner child, you are better equipped to uncover and heal any emotional pain that may be doing you a disservice, such as issues with food and body.
If you have experience with inner child work, I’d love to hear about it in the comments below. If you’d like to try out my guided meditation on connecting with your inner child, click here.

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