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Maintaining Your Energy As a Coach

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As a wellness coach, it’s so important to maintain and protect your energy. If you don’t have boundaries, with your clients and your friends and family in general, you are doing yourself and your business a massive disservice. This is why making energetics and energetic hygiene part of your work is key to succeeding and showing up as your best coaching self day in and day out. 
Before each coaching session, take some time to prepare and ground yourself. You want to make sure that you are showing up as your best self to every single session so that you are providing real value to your clients. There are different ways to prep your energy before a session, some of my favorites include a grounding ritual, meditation, and breathwork. You can even do a visualization practice, where you embody how you want to feel by the end of the session. 

Be sure to schedule some time post session to maintain your energy too. My favorite way to do this is through cord cutting and grounding (which I expanded on in the article above). You could also do a guided meditation, journal, or even get out in nature to release the energy of the session and renew yourself.
Maintaining your energy should be a non-negotiable when it comes to your work. Your energy–your being, really–is one of the most important tools in your coaching toolbox, so be sure to take care of it to the best of your ability!

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