Hungry for Happiness Academy Coach Certification Program

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The Secret to Real Transformation

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So here’s something I’ve learned after years of hating my body, struggling to “eat like a normal person,” and finally overcoming my issues with food, body, and self-love, and then moving on to start this company and coach thousands of people on how to heal their own relationship to food, body, and self…
The weight loss and self-help industries have it wrong.
We need a radical shift when it comes to health, wellness, and happiness. And since coaching on these things is kind of my jam, I’m making it my mission to train wellness coaches to become abundant, heart-centered healers who use emotional and energetic coaching methods to change the world, one person at a time.

Because the key to REAL, lasting transformation is emotions and energetics, NOT shifting external behaviours and routines. We need to go deeper and shift BELIEFS.
You see, the weight loss and self-help industries prey on your insecurities. They make you reliant on them and their “gurus,” and the false belief that the real fix you need is outside of yourself – it comes from another person, method, or product. Of course this just means that they get more and more of your money, even though they are setting you up for failure again and again.
Stop looking outside of yourself for the answers. Everything you need to heal, transform, and live a life that lights you up from the inside out is already inside of you.

You just need help tapping into it. And that’s why we are focusing our energy and attention on our Certification Program – so that we can join hands with fellow healers and train them in emotional and energetic coaching frameworks that achieve genuine results.
I don’t know about you, but I think the world is ready for a radical paradigm shift. And I’m super excited to see where this work leads us, because I have a feeling it’s going to be a beautiful, life-changing adventure.

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